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384-322 BC

Demosthenes (384–322 BC, Greek: Δημοσθένης, Dēmosthénēs) was a prominent Greek statesman and orator of ancient Athens.

Chronological Table

384 Birth of Aristotle.
383 Birth of Philip II. king of Macedon
382 Probable birth year of Demosthenes. Seizure of the Cadmeia at Thebes by the Lacedaemonians, in the first campaign of their war
against Olynthus.
381 Siege of Phlius by Agesilaus.
380 Isocrates publishes his Пагчуириса!.
379 The Cadmeia recovered by the Theban exiles.
378 Death of Lysias and Archonship of Nausinicus. New valuation at Athens for taxation.
376 Chabrias gains the battle of Naxos. Phocion, then a young man, present at it.
375 Demosthenes an orphan at seven years of age. Some assign BC. 382, others BC 377 for the date.
374 Plataeae destroyed by the Thebans, the inhabitants taking refuge at Athens. Timotheus restores some Zacynthiau exiles . Isocraties:
373 Timotheus superseded in hie appointment for Corcyra by Iphicrates. Trial of Timotheus.
371 Congress at Sparta excluding Thebes. Battle of Leuctra. Foundation of Megalopolis.
369 First invasion of Laconia by Thebans. Restoration of the Messenians. Alliance of Athens with Lacedaemon.
368 Second invasion of Laconia by the Thebans. Attempt of the king of Persia to negotiate peace.
367 Archidamus III gains the ' Tearless Battle.' Pelopidas goes on an embassy to Persia. Aristotle visits Athens at seventeen years of age.
366 Epaminondas enters Achala. Oropus lost by the Athenians. Alliance between Athens and Arcadia. Corinth and Phlius make a separate peace with Thebes. Demosthenes of age, and commences proceedings against his guardians.
364 Battle at Olympia between the Arcadians and Eleans during the games. Timotheus conquers Potidaea. Speech of Demosthenes against Aphobus.
362 Fourth expedition of Epaminondas into Peloponnesus. Battle of Mantineia, and his death. Artaxerxes Ochus succeeds to the
Persian throne. Revolt of some of his Satraps.
361 General peace, but excluding the Lacedaemonians. Recognition of the independence of Messene.. Banishment of Callistratus the orator.

360 Failure of Timotheus in his attempt on Amphipolis then held by the Olynthians. Theopompus commences his history from this year. Embassy of Athenians to Thrace.

359 Accession of Philip. Cotys king of Thrace assassinated, and Thrace divided amongst three kings. Assassination of Alexander of Pherae.

358 Amphipolis taken by Philip. Expedition of the Athenians to Euboea against the Thebans. Cersobletes gives up the Chersonese to the Athenians except Cardia.

357 Commencement of the Social War. Death of Chabrias. The Phocians seize Delphi and its treasures. Philip conquers Pydna and Potidaea.

356 Birth of Alexander. Isocratis vtpl Elpi'iviis. Alliance of Philip with Olynthus.

355 Athens makes peace with her allies. Demosthenes is twenty-seven years of age. His speeches against Androtion and against Leptines.

354 Speech Trial and condemnation of Timotheus.

353 Philip seizes Pagasae, and besieges Methone, p. 26. The speech for the Megalopoíitans late in this year or early in the next. The speech against Timocrates.

352 Lycophron of Pherae calls in Onomarchus. Philip's attempt to pass Thermopylae foiled by the Athenians. The speech against Aristocrates. Philip besieges 'Hpcitov теГ^оу in Thrace, and falls sick.

351 The First Philippic and the speech for the Rhodians

350  The speech irpbs Boiwrbr vfpl roí ovíparos, and the irapaypa<p¡Kos inrtp QopfjLÍuvos.

349 Battle of Tamynae in Euboea. Demosthenes thirty-two years of age and Choragus. (Mr. Clinton gives B.c. 350 as the date for these events.) The Olyuthiac Orations.

348 Capture of Olynthus by Philip. Probable date of the speech against Meidias.

347 Philip celebrates the Olympia at Dium. Death of Plato. First embassy to Philip for peace on the motion of Philocrates (November). The speeches *pbt Bourrby trrtp irpoucis, and rpbs Патш- vtTov TrapaypaipLKÍS.

346 Return of the first embassy (March), and acceptance of peace by Athens. Philip prosecutes his conquests in Thrace till the second embassy  receives his ratification. Philip then crushes the Phocians, concludes the Sacred War, is made one of the Amphictyons, and celebrates as president the Pythian game?. The speeches  ... and .... Isocratis

345 Aeschinis ката Tiapxou. Philip intrigues in the Peloponnesus, and supports the Messenians against Sparta.

344 Demosthenes as Ambassador of Athens warns the Messenians and Argives of Philip's intentions. Thessalv divided and regulated by Philip after a victorious campaign in Thrace. The Second Philippic. Amendments proposed in the Peace.

343 Philip fails in his attempts on Ambracia and Leucas, through the intervention of Athens. Demosthenes goes as an Ambassador to Acarnania. Philip supports the Cardians against Diopeithes. The speech on Halonncsus. The speeches irtpl napairpeffßdas.

342 Macedonian troops occupy Oreus in Euboea. Philip in Thrace for eleven months, and threatens the Propontis and the Hellespont. Aristotle visits the court of Philp. The speech on the Chersonese, also that кат' 'Ob-vfi-iuoSapov. (Clinton dates the ' Do Chersoneso ' in B.c. 341.)

341 Expedition of Athens to Euboea on the motion of Demosthenes.  The tyrants of Oreus and Eretria expelled from the island. Demosthenes has a public vote of thanks for his services. Persuades the Byzantines to join in alliance with Athens. The Third

340 Philip besieges Perinthus. Declares war against Athens, and publishes his letter or manifesto. Obliged to raise the siege of Perinthus. Attacks Byzantium, which is succoured by the Athenians under Phocion. Philip thereby compelled to withdraw and make peace with the Byzantines. A second vote of thanks to Demosthenes, who reforms the Athenian navy. The Fourth Philippic.

339 Philip invades the Scythians of Bulgaria, and is defeated on his return by the Thracian Triballi. Aeschines goes as the Pylagoras or representative of Athens, to the Amphictyonic meeting, and instigates the Amphictyons against Amphissa. Philip appointed their commander-in-chief. Seizes upon Elateia. Demosthenes proposes and negotiates an alliance with Thebes.

338 Demosthenes honored with a third vote of thanks (March). Battle of Chaeroneia. Death of Isócrates, " the old man eloquent." Demosthenes delivers the Funeral Oration over those slain at Chaeroneia. The speeches against Aristogeiton.

337 Ctesiphon proposes the public presentation of a crown to Demosthenes. Philip marches into the Peloponnesus, and convenes a congress of States at Corinth. Appointed chief of the Greeks against Persia. Aeschines commences proceedings against Ctesiphon.

336 Assassination of Philip, and accession of Alexander. Deinarchus began to compose Orations.

335 Alexander invades Thrace, and attacks the Triballi. Revolt and destruction of Thebes. Demand of Athenian Orators by Alexander.

334 Alexander crosses the Hellespont, and is victorious at the Granicus.

333 Battle of Issus. The speech ката eeoxplvov Mti{u.

332 Siege of Tyre. The speech irpiis Фор^шса inrtp Samíiiv.

331 Battle of Arbela. Defeat of Agis by Antipater.

330 Death of Darius. The speech ' De Corona.'

329 The speech ката AtovvyoSiipov ßaßijs

328 Alexander advances to the Oxus and into Sogdiana.

327 The ... exhibited in the camp of Alexander on Hydaspes.

326 Alexander reaches the month of the Indus.

325 Harpalus flies to Athens.

324 Demosthenes is condemned in the matter of Harpalus, and retires into exile.

323 Death of Alexander, and the Lamían war. Return of Demosthenes.  Hypreidis

322 Battle of Cranon. Death of Demosthenes. His nephew Demochares already engaged in public affairs. Antipater disfranchises 12,000
of the poorer citizens of Athens and settles them in Thrace. Death of Aristotle.

317  Death of Phocion.
314 Death of Aeschines
280 Honors paid to Demosthenes.



Demosthenes was born BC 382., and died BC. 322., in the little island of Calauria, in the Sinus Saronicus.(a) He is stated to have delivered sixty-five orations, of which all that he left in writing have probably come down to us. (b) Those extant are distributable into three kinds: viz. 1. The Harangues to the People, or   including the Philippics, and those Philippics distinguished by the name of Olynthiac : 2. The Orations upon Public Causes including the Speech on the Crown: and 3. The Orations on Private Causes.

It is remarked in a treatise Concerning Oratory (c), ascribed to Tacitus, that the convulsions of society are the true sources of eloquence. It was Catiline, Verres, Milo, and Mark Antony, says the historian, that spread so much glory around Cicero ; nor did Demosthenes owe his vast reputation to his speeches against his guardians. The truth of this observation seems borne out by experience, and, doubtless, the momentous times in which Demosthenes nourished added greatly to the extraordinary effect of his speeches. At the time when the first Philippic was delivered, the Macedonian power was on the ascendant, and the genius of one man was threatening the liberties of Greece. Philip, who ascended the throne BC 359., had, in the first instance, defeated the Illyrians; and afterwards, in alliance with the Olynthians, he successively captured the important maritime towns of Amphipolis, Pydna, and Potidaea. (a) Whilst, again, the Athenians had been foiled in the Confederate War, their distinguished general Chabrias falling in the attack on Chios, BC 357. (b), Philip had a little later seized upon Pagasae, and commenced the siege of Methone, BC 353. (c) In the succeeding year to this the Athenians were in a like untoward manner thwarted in the Thessalian war, when their fleet, under Chares, co-operated with the Phocians under Onomarchus against Philip, but nevertheless the Macedonian gained a complete victory, and Thessaly fell by the results of the battle under his dominion, (d) Under such circumstances, then, Demosthenes spoke his first oration against Philip, being himself a host in the unconquerable zeal with which he opposed himself to him whom he viewed as the intended enslaver of Greece.

Shortly after these events, when the Macedonian king had settled the affairs of Thessaly, he occupied himself in extending his dominion and influence, particularly in Thrace and the northern continent, strengthening the Macedonian border, and forming advantageous alliances with his neighbours, (e) But whilst he was in Thrace, he received intelligence that the Athenian party had acquired the ascendancy in Olynthus, and that that state threatened to forsake his alliance. The Olynthians had about thirty years previously nearly overwhelmed the Macedonian kingdom, and therefore imagined that when united to the Athenians they would be able to obtain the same position, or, at any rate, to withstand the Macedonians. And thus, the Athenian party at Olynthus managed finally to carry their proposal for an union with Athens in her war against Philip, (a) At the same time, an opportunity seemed to offer for engaging all Greece in a league against the threatening ambition of that king; and accordingly, whilst j35schines was commissioned by the Athenians to proceed to the Peloponnesus in order to gain over the Arcadians (in which indeed he failed), to Demosthenes was committed the task of urging on the people at home. In this undertaking the consummate orator produced the orations against Philip, known by the title of Olynthiac. In these Olynthiac orations, one of the principal objects was to persuade the Athenians to give up, for the purposes of the war, the theatrical fund, or that part of the public revenue distributed amongst them for the entertainment of the theatres : and as there was a law in force condemning to death any one who should propose the diversion of any part of this fund to other purposes, than that to which it was legally appropriated (b); great art was requisite in bringing this proposal before the people. But the eloquence of Demosthenes, the promise of the Olynthian alliance, and the prospect held out of glory and indulgence, produced an extraordinary zeal among the Athenians for the prosecution of the war. (c) Accordingly a force was decreed, amounting to fourteen thousand men, of whom four thousand were to be Athenian citizens, (a) Soon after this, in the third Attic month, the end of September, or beginning of October, Chares, the Athenian general, set sail with his fleet. To the great disappointment however of the Olynthians, his troops consisted only of two thousand middle armed mercenaries.

Alarmed at the smallness of this armament, an embassy was sent by the Olynthians to Athens, requesting additional troops, and Demosthenes thereupon delivered his second Olynthiac oration (b), which was followed by Charidemus being ordered to reinforce Olynthus with eighteen triremes, and four thousand men: and these united forces ravaged Pallene and Bottiaea. It was late in the year before Philip could collect his forces; and when he marched into the Olynthian territory, Chares had already withdrawn with his fleet.

As Philip had afforded ready protection to the towns in the Olynthian confederacy friendly to his cause, and it was evident that in the spring, when operations could recommence, he would attack them with a superior force, the Olynthians, in alarm, sent again an embassy to Athens, urging the early supply of forces, formed out of the Athenian citizens themselves, according to the promise made them. In support of their demands Demosthenes spoke his third Olynthiac, and, according to his recommendation, a complement of two thousand heavy-armed troops and three hundred horse, all Athenian citizens, was sent to reinforce the army already employed.

Such was the occasion of the third Olynthian oration. It is well known that Olynthus was nevertheless shortly compelled to surrender to Philip, BC 347. (a), and the influence of the conqueror extended itself throughout Greece, until the confederacy against him was finally overthrown by the decisive battle of Chaeronea, in which the combined army of the Athenians and Thebans was completely routed (b); and the genius of the Macedonian thenceforth became predominant.

The remainder of the life of Demosthenes was passed in ineffectual endeavors to rescue Greece from Macedonian domination until the time when, after having been driven into exile by his countrymen, and again recalled in triumph, he finally was compelled to flee to the island of Calauria, and finding his position desperate submitted to a voluntary death. During this latter period, he delivered the famous oration On the Crown: This oration was spoken in defense of his friend Ctesiphon, against whom the orator  schines had preferred an accusation for illegal conduct, in having moved a decree for a golden crown to Demosthenes, although the real object was an attack upon Demosthenes himself; and, as Ctesiphon had grounded his decree of honor on that orator's merit towards the republic, it was the object of  Eschines to show that Demosthenes was wholly unworthy, not only of honor, but of any public esteem, (c) That part of the great orator's reply, which is given in this translation, consists in an assertion of his services to his countrymen, and of the goodness of his advice to them ; and in denying that he could be justly charged with the event; or that noble and great actions were not equally praiseworthy, though completely successful, and that, agreeably to the law, which, to prevent frivolous accusations, subjected to banishment an accuser who did not obtain the votes of one fifth of the court, the rival orator was banished to Rhodes, or, as by some supposed, retired thither of his own accord.

It is to be observed that Mr. Mitford, in his History of Greece, endeavors most unfairly to disparage Demosthenes, for no other reason, apparently, than that he was the foremost man of the democracy, whilst the modern historian had an inbred antipathy to the rude and sometimes licentious freedom of the Grecian states. But he should rather have borne in mind, that Demosthenes was not the creator of the institutions of his country, but only their ardent defender against an encroaching power, and striving with earnest zeal to call into being the principles of patriotism and disinterestedness. And if he found the unworthiness, the unjust aggression, the cowardly retreating, the selfish supineness, inherent in all multitudes unformed by education and discipline, he only met what has been the lot of all patriots, not excepting the great Washington himself. How much, indeed, do the eager calls of Demosthenes upon his countrymen, to make provision for the defense of their country, put us in mind of the difficulties the American patriot had to struggle under, when those for whom he was risking every thing left him almost without means. But the fact is that, although there was much to be admired in the Athenian constitution, providing as it did a sort of House of Lords in the Areopagus, an assembly as illustrious for magnanimity and worth in those days as the House of Peers is in British annals, and also a kind of House of Commons in the General Council, which digested and prepared legislative measures; yet

there was this fatal error, that all measures had to be referred for ultimate decision not to a class of men superior to others, but to the whole community, which, in the constitution of human nature, then as now, necessarily contained a great preponderance of the bad over the good. And how base, yet how natural, do we find the motives actuating the needy yet pleasure-loving mass ! Not only did they appropriate a vast proportion of the revenues of the state to their own amusement at the theatres, but even declared it death for any one to propose the rescinding of this law, a grievance and folly of which Demosthenes complains in the Third Olynthiac. This reference of every thing to the whole mass of the population (the principle of universal suffrage) was, in fact, the ruin of every thing good in the Athenian constitution: for the still small voice of the wise was hardly heard amidst the roar of the ignorant; and whilst the one sought for the ultimate good of their country by 'denying themselves accustomed luxuries, the other snatched at present enjoyment, careless of destruction until it was at their gates.

It may not have been improper or unprofitable to have pointed out this misfortune in the Athenian state, since, even in our own times, men are found who would utterly destroy that constitution which in theory excited the admiration of Tacitus in ancient times, although he never expected it would be exemplified in practice (a), by establishing the principle of universal suffrage, i. e. of the predominance of the many, who of necessity are ignorant and often corrupt, over the few, who, by habit and study, by discipline and religion, are enabled to form a just and wise opinion.



As a youth in ancient Athens,   Demosthenes had a severe speech impediment, and people jeered at his stuttering when he addressed his first large public assembly.

Demosthenes, the son of a prosperous sword maker, was orphaned when he was only 8. His guardians so pilfered his estate that little was left when Demosthenes came of age. Seeking justice, he successfully  pleaded his own case and won  damages.  To improve his elocution, he talked with pebbles in his mouth and recited verses while running along the seashore over the roar of the waves.

Demosthenes' diligent work was successful and at the age of  25 he had entered public life. He had won popularity and power when King Philip of Macedon was beginning the conquest of Greece. Realizing the peril, Demosthenes made eloquent appeals for his countrymen to unite and preserve their freedom. These powerful orations against Philip were known as philippics, a term still in use to describe any impassioned denunciation or tirade.

The Athenians were too late in heeding Demosthenes ' warnings  and  he was falsely accused of taking a bribe. He was fined and imprisoned but escaped. When his  final effort to obtain freedom for Greece failed, he swallowed poison from his pen and died.

Demosthenes' greatest oration is entitled `On the Crown'. He delivered it in 330 BC. It was a review and justification of his public life and a condemnation of his bitter rival, Aeschines, who was forced into exile.

On the Crown

By Demosthenes

Translated by Vince/DeWitt/Murray
This work is only provided via the Perseus Project at Tufts University. You may begin reading the English translation as well as the Greek version and a Greek version with morphological links.

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 1] If the decree, men of the senate, ordered that the crown should be given to the man having the largest number of advocates, it would have been senseless for me to claim it, for Cephisodotus alone has spoken on my behalf, while a host of pleaders has spoken for my opponents. But the fact is, the people appointed that the treasurer should give the crown to the one who first got his trireme ready for sea; and this I have done; so I declare that it is I who should be crowned. [2]  Also I am surprised that my opponents neglected their ships, but took care to get their orators ready; and they seem to me to be mistaken in regard to the whole affair, and to imagine that you are grateful, not to those who do their duty, but to those who say they do it; and they have formed a totally different estimate regarding you from that which I hold. For this very reason it is right that you should feel more kindly disposed toward me; for it is plain that I entertain a higher opinion of you than they do.

Research Links

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Rhetorical Figures
... claim to be professional teachers of rhetoric actually say, Socrates. ... Lysias, Against
Eratosthenes 21. *Demosthenes, On the Crown 48. Anastrophe: transposition ...

The Internet Classics Archive | Demosthenes by Plutarch
... though at that time the accusers of Demosthenes were in the height of power, and ... the
rest of his life in teaching rhetoric about the island of Rhodes, and upon ...

Greek Prose Style: Greek 701 at CUNY
... home page for Greek 701, Greek Rhetoric and Prose Style, a course in ... centuries BCE,
ranging from Hekataios to Demosthenes. Assignments are fairly brief (about ...

Ethics of Philip, Demosthenes, and Alexander by Sanderson ...
... so that he could second the efforts of Philocrates. Aeschines held Demosthenes' rhetoric
responsible for pushing through the unpopular peace treaty with Philip ...

Demosthenes -
... orator. He also studied legal rhetoric. In his Parallel Lives Plutarch, the Greek
historian and biographer, relates that Demosthenes built an underground study ...

Rhetoric and Philosophy in Ancient Greeece - Bibliography
... ed). l996, Theory, Text, Context: Issues in Greek Rhetoric and Oratory. New York:
SUNY Press, l29-l46. Sealey, R. (l993). Demosthenes and his Times: A Study in ...

Rhetoric Notes: Issues
... Bibliomania; George Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric; Christian Classics Ethereal
Network Contains ... Gorgias and his Phaedrus, Demosthenes' On the Crown; Various ...

Plurabelle Books - Rhetoric
... John Bender; David Wellbery: The Ends of Rhetoric. History, Theory, Practice. Stanford
UP 1990. xiv ... Demosthenes: The Oration of Demosthenes against Meidias. Ed ...

Classical Rhetoric
... subject, Aristotle (384-322 BC) defined rhetoric as the art of identifying (and ... the
speeches of his exact contemporary Demosthenes (384-322 BC) and especially ...

Rhetoric for Rookies
... Analysis Technical vocabulary: grammar, rhetoric, logic Parsing Literature Notebooks;
Genesis Imitation ... lives, such as that comparing Demosthenes and Cicero. ...

Robert S. Reid - Taming Democracy: Models of Political ...
... contends that Athenian political "theorists" from Aristophanes to Demosthenes were
vitally concerned with rhetoric in order to discover the kind of public ...

Perseus Encyclopedia - Who was Demosthenes?
... more in their own terms. And because of the relatively low standing of rhetoric
in our time, Demosthenes is less read than formerly. But he still represents ...

Rhetoric | Classic
... to live the life proper to man. Rhetoric , Poetics and others. ... Nathaniel Cordova.
Cicero Homepage. The Comparison of Demosthenes and Cicero (Trans. John Dryden). ...

Kern, Rhetoric and Galatians: Assessing an Approach to Paul's ...
... see, eg, 15-17). Although acknowledging that Demosthenes's First Epistle a "fascinating
anomaly" is deliberative rhetoric in epistolary form, Kern does not shy ...

Academics, Classical Languages - Albright College
... III Advanced Greek prose; selections from Herodotus and Thucydides (history),
Plato and Aristotle (philosophy), and Isocrates and Demosthenes (rhetoric). ...

Perseus Encyclopedia demosthenes
... more in their own terms. And because of the relatively low standing of rhetoric
in our time, Demosthenes is less read than formerly. But he still represents ...

Yahoo! Books:Reference & Education:Words & Language:Rhetoric: ...
... on Rhetoric - by De Quincey, Thomas; Selected Private Speeches* - by Demosthenes;
Selected Readings in Rhetoric & Public Speaking - by Thonssen, Lester; Self & ...

Classical Rhetoric Syllabus
... by Lysias, Isocrates, Demosthenes, Aeschines, Hyperides, and the Letter of Philip
II of Macedon. Plato: Gorgias. This is Plato's attack on the way rhetoric was ...

Rhetoric bibliography, FSEM019, Fall 1996
... A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric. Ed. James J. Murphy. Davis, CA: Hermagoras
P, 1983. 77-89. Murphy, James J., ed. Demosthenes' On the Crown: A ...

Reading Classics Gateway: Rhetoric & Law
... Arpinas: Maggia 1996 (italiano). Classical Medieval and Renaissance Rhetoric;
Demosthenes, information collected by Marieke Roelofs (under construction ...

Demosthenes and Cicero Compared by Plutarch
... in speaking, yet thus much seems fit to be said; that Demosthenes, to make himself
a master in rhetoric, applied all the faculties he had, natural or acquired ...

Cleopatra, the Last Pharaoh
... a child, she was educated in Hellenic culture Homer's epic poems, Demosthenes rhetoric,
lyre-playing and horsemanship. But Cleopatra was also the first Ptolemy ...

William Jennings Bryan as Demosthenes: The Scopes Trial and ...
... Christianity; Legal Problems; *Rhetoric. Identifiers, *Bryan (William Jennings);
*Scopes Trial; Demosthenes;. Argumentative Strategies; Darwin (Charles). ...

... the 'death of Greek political liberty' Some people dismiss Demosthenes' outbursts
as political rhetoric, others hold his political abuse of Philip from Macedon ..

... in speaking, yet thus much seems fit to be said; that Demosthenes, to make himself
a master in rhetoric, applied all the faculties he had, natural or acquired ...

... faculties in speaking, yet thus much seems fit to be said; that Demosthenes, to make
himself a master in rhetoric, applied all the faculties he had, natural or ...

Methods and Perspectives, 10: Rhetoric
... presentation (contrast modern usage: 'strong on rhetoric, short on substance' etc). ... speeches
by the great orators: Demosthenes, Cicero etc become school texts ...

Rhetoric and Public Speaking
... on rhetoric and political philosophy, as well as panegyric speeches (somewhat in
the manner of Isocrates, probably), and a biopgraphy of Demosthenes; and he ... buying info: The Art of Rhetoric (Institutiones ...
... the classical world, from Cicero, for instance, Quintilian, and Demosthenes. Today
in the universities the rhetoric of Ernesto Grassi goes for the most, but it ...

Canon or Rhetoric
... the other canons will not matter. Demosthenes contended that this was the most ... of
these canons and basically felt that rhetoric was merely style, memory and ...

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Grover Cleveland 
Democratic Party

William McKinley
Republican Party

Theodore Roosevelt
Republican Party

William H. Taft 
Republican Party

Woodrow Wilson
Democratic Party

Warren G. Harding 
Republican Party

Calvin Coolidge
Republican Party

Herbert C. Hoover
Republican Party

Franklin D. Roosevelt
Democratic Party

Harry S. Truman
Democratic Party

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Republican Party

John F. Kennedy
Democratic Party

Lyndon B. Johnson 
Democratic Party 

Richard M. Nixon 
Republican Party

Gerald R. Ford 
Republican Party

James Earl Carter, Jr. 
Democratic Party

Ronald Wilson Reagan 
Republican Party

George H. W. Bush
Republican Party 

William Jefferson Clinton
Democratic Party

George W. Bush 
Republican Party

Barack H. Obama
Democratic Party

Please Visit

Forgotten Founders
Norwich, CT

Annapolis Continental
Congress Society

U.S. Presidency
& Hospitality

© Stan Klos





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