September 13, 1788 the eighth USCA finally adopted its plan for implementing the
new constitution establishing Wednesday, March 4, 1789 as the date the new
constitution would go into effect:
the Convention assembled in Philadelphia pursuant to the resolution of Congress
of the 21st . of Feby . 1787 did on the 17th . of Sept of the same year report
to the United States in Congress assembled a constitution for the people of the
United States, whereupon Congress on the 28 of the same Sept did resolve
unanimously "That the said report with the resolutions and letter accompanying
the same be transmitted to the several legislatures in order to be submitted to
a convention of Delegates chosen in each state by the people thereof in
conformity to the resolves of the convention made and provided in that case" And
whereas the constitution so reported by the Convention and by Congress
transmitted to the several legislatures has been ratified in the manner therein
declared to be sufficient for the establishment of the same and such
ratifications duly authenticated have been received by Congress and are filed in
the Office of the Secretary therefore Resolved That the first Wednesday in Jany
next be the day for appointing Electors in the several states, which before the
said day shall have ratified the said constitution; that the first Wednesday in
feby . next be the day for the electors to assemble in their respective states
and vote for a president; and that the first Wednesday in March next be the time
and the present seat of Congress the place for commencing proceedings under the
said constitution.”
October 10, 1788 the USCA formed its last quorum and vacated Federal Hall (the
old New York City Hall building) for renovations to accommodate the new
tri-partite government. Secretary Charles Thomson’s last entry in the USCA
Journals was made at their offices in Fraunces Tavern on Monday, March 2, 1789
noting the attendance of a single delegate, “Mr. Philip Pell from New York.”
This final recording in the official USCA Journals marked the founding era end
of the United States of America. Ironically, the confederation government, whose
1774 delegates first caucused together in a Philadelphia Tavern, faded away in
1789, fifteen years later, in a New York City Tavern.
remaining new constitution origin dates are:
• On April 1, 1789, the United States House of Representatives
achieves its first quorum
On April
6, 1789, the United States Senate achieves its first quorum and elected its
On April
30, 1789, George Washington is inaugurated at Federal Hall in New York City as
President and Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America.
February 1, 1790, The Supreme Court assembles for their first case.
On May
29, 1790, Rhode Island becomes the thirteenth State ratifying the U.S.
Constitution of 1787 meeting the now defunct Articles of Confederation
requirement of unanimous approval.
Monday, September 17, 1787, mark the true birthday of the Constitution? Does
this birth year of 1787 make Arthur St. Clair the first President of the United
States or does the birth and U.S. Presidency require a start date of June 21,
1788 when New Hampshire became the ninth State ratifying the U.S. Constitution?
Or was it July 2, 1788 when the United States, in Congress Assembled officially
adopted the ninth States’ ratification? Or was it March 4, 1789 when the new
Constitution went into effect? Or was it on May 29, 1790 when Rhode Island
became the thirteenth State to ratify the Constitution fulfilling the unanimous
requirement placed on the United States of America under Article XIII of the
Articles of Confederation?
BELOW is the
complete text of the United States Constitution EXACTLY as it appeared
publicly for the first time in Robert Smith’s The Evening Chronicle of
September 18th, 1787 compared to the Dunlap and Claypoole’s The Pennfylvania
Packet (differences
in red) on September 19th, 1787.
This "Plan of the New Federal Government,"
previously unrecorded, is, arguably, the first public printing of the U.S.
Constitution. The folio broadsheet is dated September 17th, 1787 three times in
the text and boldly marked "Philadelphia: Printed by ROBERT SMITH." This
unique printing is the ultimate testament of a publisher utilizing freedom of
the press privileges, soon to be enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Robert Smith’s
folio appears to be the first public printing of the formerly secret plan to
reorganize the unsuccessful Confederation Government of the United States in
Congress Assembled into a true nation, the United States, governed under the
Plan of the New
Federal Government
"It was a leak. He scooped the five
Philadelphia major newspapers by thirty-six hours!" says Stanley L. Klos,
presidential historian and author of President Who? Forgotten Founders.
Some historians maintain that this printing of the Constitution was included as
an insert to Smith’s September 18th, 1787 bi-weekly newspaper, The
Evening Chronicle. Klos notes, however, that "The Evening Chronicle’s
proximity to Independence Hall, the adjournment of the Constitutional Convention
at 4 p.m. on the 17th, and Smith's previous employment with Dunlap gave him
immediate access to Dunlap's official delegate printings, with the lifting of
the delegates' oath of secrecy. Additionally,Klos insists, “The
degree that Smith’s ‘Plan of the New Federal Government’ matches the September
17th Constitution transmittal letter executed by George Washington, and the
hastily printed offsets and misspellings found throughout Smith’s printing,
indicate the broadsheet, unlike his bi-weekly “Evening Chronicle," was prepared
in great haste. Whether the 17th or 18th,
this struggling newspaper publisher may have trumped all five major Philadelphia
newspapers that released their editions of the United States Constitution on
September 19th, 1787. All of the first printings of the Constitution are rare,
but this broadsheet is the only known issue of Smith's "Plan of the New
Federal Government" in private or public hands.
Whatever the case, the 17th or 18th, this
struggling newspaper publisher trumped all five major Philadelphia Newspapers
who released their editions of the United States Constitution on September 19,
1787. Smith’s September 17-18th , 1787 broadsheet is the only known
issue of "New Plan for the Federal Government" in private or public
Robert Smith established The Evening
Chronicle; or, Philadelphia Advertiser on
February 6, 1787. It was a tri-weekly newspaper of quarto size - 8 inches by 10
inches. With the issue of May 5, 1787, the title was changed to The Evening
Chronicle. On August 7, 1787 the paper became a semi-weekly, and the size
was changed to folio - 11 inches by 14 inches. In late October 1787, James
Prange was taken into partnership due to Smith’s growing insolvency. The paper
continued to do business under the firm name Robert Smith and James Prange,
publishers. We know
from its colophon that this broadsheet was
printed before the merger. The last Evening Chronicle issue known to be printed
is vol. 2, no. 104, dated November 7, 1787, a copy of which can be found in the
collection of the American Antiquarian Society.
Very little is known about Robert Smith as he
was a publisher, never a proprietor of a press. (Charles R. Hildeburn, Issues of
the Press in Pennsylvania 1685 – 1784) This is why Smith and his work have been
overlooked in the histories of colonial printing, which tend to focus on such
men as Paul Revere, Benjamin Franklin, Christopher Sauer and Dunlap and
Claypoole, who owned or operated independent presses.
We do know that Robert Smith was first listed
as a printer in 1783 at “… the Back of the Fountain Inn between Second and
Third Street…” in downtown Philadelphia. On January 1, 1785 he joined Dunlap
and Claypoole's Pennsylvania Packet and remained with them until late 1786. In
that same year, Smith re-opened his business at the White-Horse and Fountain
Inn. It wasn’t until February 1787, with the launch of the The Evening
Chronicle; or, Philadelphia Advertiser that Smith moved again,
“Next to the Coffee-House in Front." (A Directory of the Book-Arts and Book
Trade in Philadelphia to 1820. Including Painters and Engravers) Finally, Smith
relocated his business, during the Constitutional Convention, to “Below the
Drawbridge, third door below Spruce, in Front and Water,” less then ½ mile
from Independence Hall. This location, Smith’s Dunlap contacts, and other
factors, made him the ideal candidate to quickly print the U.S. Constitution
once the resolution of secrecy had ceased.
Researcher Max E. Moeller from the Historical
Society of Pennsylvania notes:
"Smith presumably felt his broadsheet would
benefit by a headline. But what should it read? At this stage the U.S.
Constitution was a new proposal and not yet the law of the land. In other words,
it was a constitution, but not yet the U.S. Constitution. In 1787 there was an
existing confederate system of government, set forth in the Articles of
Confederation. To avoid confusion and to simultaneously convey the import and
political philosophy of the newly proposed constitution, Smith (as publisher)
employed a more descriptive and informative title 'Plan of the New Federal
Government.' It is certainly a very effective headline, as it properly orients
new readers to what they can expect from the document."
Unfortunately, this historic scoop wasn't
enough to save the fledgling paper. Smith’s Evening Chronicle went out of print
in November 1787.
Brigham , Clarence S. "History and Bibliography of
American Newspapers 1690 - 1820" American Antiquarian Society, Worchester,
Massachusetts, 1947.
Brown , H. Glenn and Maude O, "A Directory of the
Book-Arts and Book Trade in Philadelphia to 1820. Including Painters and
Engravers" New York Public Library, NY 1950.
Dube, Ann Marie, "A Multitude of Amendments,
Alterations and Additions": The Writing and Publicizing of the Declaration
of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the
United States." Independence National Historical Park, May 1996.
Hildeburn , Charles R. "Issues of The Press in
Pennsylvania 1685 - 1784" Burt Franklin, NY: 1968. Two volumes
Goodman, Roy - Curator of Printed Materials and
Assistant Librarian, American Philosophical Society 105 S. 5th Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386
Klos, Stanley L., "A Scottish Born US President?"
ArthurStClair.com, Carnegie, PA 2000.
Journals of Congress, Thursday, September 20, 1787.
Journals of Congress, Thursday, September 27, 1787.
Lefaivre-Rochester, Carole - Researcher, Friends of
Franklin and Former American Philosophical Society editor.
This Broadsheet was authenticated by
Stanley L. Klos – Estoric.com
New Federal Government
WE, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfec^t
(U)union, eftablifh Juftice, infure domeftic
(T)tranquility, provide for the common
(D)defence, promote the (G)general
(W)welfare, and fecure the
(B)bleffings of (L)liberty
to (O)ourfelves and our (P)pofterity,
do ordain and eftablifh this (C)conftitution for
the United States of America.
A R T I C L E I.
Sec^t. 1. ALL legiflative powers herein granted fhall be vefted in a
Congrefs of the United States, which fhall confift of a Senate and Houfe of
Sec^t. 2. The Houfe of Reprefentatives fhall be compofed of members
chofen every fecond year by the people of the feveral ftates, and the elec^tors
in each ftate fhall have the qualifications requifite for elec^tors of the moft
numerous branch of the ftate legiflature.
No perfon fhall be a representative,who fhall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been
feven years a citizen of the United States, and who fhall not, when elec^ted, be
an inhabitant of that ftate in which he fhall be chofen.
Reprefentatives and direc^t taxes fhall be apportioned among the feveral
ftates which may be included within this Union, according to their refpec^tive
numbers, which fhall be determined by adding to the whole number of free pefsons,
including thofe bound to fervice for a term of years, and excluding Indians not
taxed, three-fifths of all other perfons. The ac^tual enumeration fhall be made
within three years after the firft meeting of the Congrefs of the United States,
and within every fubfequent term of ten years, in fuch manner as they fhall by
law direct. The number of reprefentatives fhall not exceed one for every thirty
thoufand, but each ftate fhall have at leaft one reprefentative ; and until fuch
enumeration fhall be made, the ftate of New-Hampshire fhall be entitled to chufe
three, Massachufetts eight, Rhode-Ifland and Providence Plantations one, Connec^ticut
five, New-York fix, New-Jerfey four, Pennfylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland
fix, Virginia ten, North-Carolina five, South-Carolina five, and Georgia three.
When vacancies happen in the reprefentation from any ftate, the Executive
authority thereof fhall iffue writs of elec^tion to fill fuch vacancies.
The Houfe of Reprefentatives fhall chufe their Speaker and other officers ;
and fhall have the fole power of impeachment.
Sec^t. 3. The Senate of the United States fhall be compofed of two
fenators from each ftate, chofen by the legiflature thereof, for fix years ; and
each fenator fhall have one vote.
Immediately after they fhall be affembled in confequence of the firft elec^tion,
they fhall be divided as equally as may be into three claffes. The feats of the
fenators of the firft clafs fhall be vacated at the expiration of the fecond
year, of the fecond clafs at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third
clafs at the expiration of the fixth year, fo that one third may be chofen every
fecond year ; and if vacancies happen by refignation, or otherwife, during the
recefs of the Legiflature of any ftate, the Executive thereof may make temporary
appointments until the next meeting of the Legiflature, which fhall then fill
fuch vacancies.
No perfon fhall be a fenator, (no comma) who fhall not have attained to the
age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who
fhall not, when elec^ted, be an inhabitant of that ftate for which he fhall be
The Vice-Prefident of the United States fhall be Prefident of the fenate, but
fhall have no vote, unlefs they be equally divided.
The (S)fenate fhall chufe their other
officers, and alfo a Prefident pro tempore, in the abfence of the Vice-Prefident,
or when he fhall exercife the office of Prefident of the United States.
The (S)fenate fhall have the fole power to
try all impeachments. When fitting for that purpofe, they fhall be on oath or
affirmation. When the Prefident of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice
fhall preside : And no perfon fhall be convic^ted without the concurrence of two
thirds of the members prefent.
Judgment in cafes of impeachment fhall not extend further than to removal
from office, and difqualification to hold and en-oy(enjoy) any office of honor, truft or profit
under the United States ; but the party convic^ted fhall neverthelefs be liable
and fubjec^t to ndic^tment, (indic^tment)
trial, judgment and punifhment, according to law.
Sec^t. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elec^tions for
fenators and reprefentatives, fhall be prescribed in each ftate by the
legiflature thereof ; but the Congrefs may at any time by law make or alter fuch
regulations, except as to the places of chufing (S)fenators.
The Congrefs fhall affemble at leaft once in every year, and fuch meeting
fhall be on the first Monday in December, unlefs they fhall by law appoint a
different day.
Sec^t. 5. Each houfe fhall be the judge of the elec^tions, returns and
qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each fhall conftitute a
quorum to do bufinefs ; but a fmaller number may adjourn from day to day, and
may be authorifed to compel the attendance of abfent members, in fuch manner,
and under fuch penalties, as each houfe may provide.
Each houfe may determine the rules of its proceedings, punifh its members for
disorderly behaviour, and, with the concurrence of two thirds,
(two-thirds) expel a member.
Each houfe fhall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time
publifh the fame, excepting fuch parts as may in their judgment require fecrecy
; and the yeas and nays of the members of either houfe on any question fhall, at
the defire of one fifth of thofe prefent, be entered on the journal.
Neither houfe, during the feffion of Congrefs, fhall, without the confent of
the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in
which the two houfes fhall be fitting.
Sec^t. 6. The fenators and reprefentatives fhall receive a
compenfation for their fervices, to be afcertained by law, and paid out of the
treafury of the United States. They fhall in all cafes, except treafon, felony
and breach of the peace, be privileged from Arreft during their attendance at
the feffion of their refpective houfes, and in going to and returning from the
fame ; and for any fpeech or debate in either houfe, they fhall not be
queftioned in any other place.
No fenator or reprefentative fhall, during the time for which he was elec^ted,
be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which
fhall have been created, or the emoluments whereof fhall have been encreafed
during fuch time ; and no perfon holding any office under the United States,
fhall be a member of either houfe during his continuance in office.
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